Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's Sunday and You Know What That Means....

Well yeah most people go to church too, but I'm taking about Family Supper at my Parent's house.  EVERY Sunday night we get together and have a meal together.  It keeps us connected.  My kiddo's love seeing their Grandparents, Aunt and Uncles too.  My Dad's a great cook so it's always something tasty and delicious.  Pork chops and rice are on the menu tonight.

Do you have any family traditions?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Somtimes I Feel Like Talking in French.

Parfois je me sens comme parler en français. C'est une si belle langue. Il est une autre manière de s'exprimer. Ainsi, ici je m'exprime en mon Français de niveau de lycée.  Veuillez excuser les erreurs.